Thursday, November 6, 2008


Welcome back to my world. This entry is for breaking news in the house. There is some scheming going on and it is not me this time around. The scheming is being done by none other than Kev. Shocking news because of his hermit status since coming to Corban. For those who thought last year was bad, he has spent twice as much time back in his own bedroom this year. It is understandable though with the situation with our new roommate. He is not the type who you want to sit in the living room with and watch TV. Just a different guy. But all that extra time on his own has led to some developing news. It appears that those hours spent in there have led to some scheming. Some scheming on the part of a lady too. That's right. Tonight I was sitting in my bedroom watching some tv and heard a ladies voice coming from the living room. Knowing that Boomer had just got home, I figured he must have brought his attempted lady friend back home with him. But then Boomer walked down the hallway and yelled into Kev's room that a particular lady was here for him. The name rang a bell and shocked those in attendance of my tv session. Whether it is to be considered a date or not, dinner at the pita pit is not something that the average Joe is invited to. Though he did not drive, it is still a shocking development in the house. I will attempt to keep all my reader's up to date of this breaking news as it is still developing. Otherwise there is nothing more to update with. Another election has come and gone, and we will see how this presidency goes. Obviously there are some ups and downs to all candidates, but in the end, a president is not out there to ruin a country. Yes some policies are a bit off base, but in the end he only has so much power. We can just keep doing what we do and see how things shake up. As we approach the end of the work week, I wish everyone a happy weekend. Get out and enjoy the colors of fall. They only last so long. 'Til next time, be safe and be smart. It's not all about yourself. Signing off.