Thursday, February 7, 2008


Plenty of news to update you all with this week beginning with as early as last Friday. That evening was supposed to be the big merge between the two "non-social households", but it turned out to be an awkward situation that wound up with a non-merge for movie night. Instead the half remaining at the house watched the rest of the blazer game and departed to get Dairy Queen, which ended up in a mass calorie count. Don't fool yourself to think anything at DQ is healthy. Let alone the peanut buster parfait. All this occurred following the basketball game that ended with a game winning buzzer beater, that can now be viewed all over youtube. The much anticipated season debut for the baseball team resulted in a cancellation and allowed some members of the house to catch the men's basketball game that night. That however ended in an overtime loss. It is worth noting that I was MIA Saturday. Over the weekend, Chuck wound up going home with Beard and Kev to hang out in Clackamas and watch the Super Bowl with them. That left the house quiet with only the Rangers keeping watch. In case you missed it, the Super Bowl was as advertised. Rumor in the house is that Chuck talked himself out of his love interest. That's all there is to say about that. Tuesday was another tough day at the bowling alley for Beard and I. We dropped our second straight match, this time to a team of girls. 0-2 will be a tough hole to dig ourselves out of. This last week our baseball shorts finally came in. My personal review is that they are OK. This year was tough with sizes. I still haven't got a size I ordered. We are all still waiting for the XL sweatpants to come in so we can trade our undersized Larges in for something that will fit. Also worth updating is the peeping tom situation. Roles reversed this week as Chuck walked in on Kev for a sneak peak. Wasn't too thrilled with what he saw. To my surprise, Kev brought in my Starbucks travel mug that was in his car for much of the school year. The next morning I was so excited to use it when I realized it was no longer on the counter where Kev left it. That resulted in a false accusation of Kev re-taking my mug when it was really Chuck who wanted to experience all the mug has to offer. Yesterday our baseball bio's and pics were finally put online. Might be worth checking out as a few are truly "something else". Also I will update you all with my new supplement. I decided to move on and this time I went with Sasquatch and the Weight Gainer 2200. It is much cheaper than any other product at GNC. Following my first tub, I will write a review. I should also inform you that Kev baked a chocolate cake that is incredible. In the event you haven't been to WINCO lately, the cereal aisle is packed with .98 cent cheeriors. And I am not talking about the small boxes either. The price was so good, Kev had to pick up a couple of boxes, which put together with all of my cereal and Beard's, and that equals our very own cereal aisle on top of our kitchen table. This just email was received regarding mentoring. Details will be included once the situation is settled. Looking ahead, the baseball team hopes to open up the season Saturday at Puget Sound, but the weather looks like it will deter another season opener. Things may not open until the Cali trip next week. Hope all else is well and wishing you all a good weekend. Signing off.


Anonymous said...

Kev better be careful sounds like chuck might be getting a little desperate. Glad to hear everyones doing well, i love you guys your the best.

Anonymous said...

I'm exhausted now...

Anonymous said...

Pre-Cali update?